
Lake: Rautupuro

Start Places:

  • Start place 1



Arctic charpuro is a relati(v)ely deep and narrow stream in the northern fell area. Even the small falls and rapids have some deeper spots with enough water for ice fishing. Both sides of the stream are crowded with bushes, which makes fishing in the summertime more than challenging.


The speciality of the place is the arctic char, which you can typically find from places with still water
between rapids. White fish and grayling can be caught from time to time and the chance of getting trout also exists. Occasional pikes also tease fishermen fishing with too thin lines.


Trout, Grayling, Arctic Char, White Fish, Pike.

Species / obtained: 5 / 5

TOP-5 Largest fish by species

Rank Player Weight Species Lake Date
1. Terminator 1025 g Grayling Rautupuro 30.03.2017
1. StS[FIN] 4407 g Pike Rautupuro 06.06.2016
1. -heikki- 1679 g Arctic char Rautupuro 18.11.2016
1. RAITIS.LV 1285 g Whitefish Rautupuro 18.09.2019
1. Bender (C) 2188 g Trout Rautupuro 30.07.2019

TOP-5 Best results in total weight

Rank Time/Min. Player Weight Lake Date
1. 10 Nighed 8356 g Rautupuro 08.01.2020
1. 15 Pefletti 10493 g Rautupuro 12.09.2013
1. 30 Elias Mönkkönen 17249 g Rautupuro 19.06.2017
1. 60 Pefletti 24682 g Rautupuro 31.08.2013
1. 90 Nighed 25466 g Rautupuro 16.02.2020
1. 120 ESME 30360 g Rautupuro 24.04.2019